DanaTaft Blog

Dana Taft Blog

Yoga, ministry, & lifestyle


Hey! I'm Dana Taft, a generous, energetic, and vivacious lover of God, yoga, and life itself. I adore the daily opportunities I have to bring together my skills as a certified Behavioral Life Coach, a loving pastor, and a long-time yoga instructor in order to help you be your best self.

Modify Book Launch!


In the summer of 2018, I attended the Integrity Leaders Ministries getaway. It’s feels like a cool breeze for pastors and ministry leaders as they come together to connect and recharge. It was at this refreshing time in Dana Point, California, that I had the pleasure of being introduced to a mother in the faith. Leigh Ramsey is a woman who has not only lived a life of great faith, but has raised up other people as vibrant believers and impactful leaders.

Leigh and I met by the pool, surrounded by 15 or so other women in leadership. After pleasantries, the crowd dwindled down to just me and her. As we sunned on lawn chairs next to the pool, Leigh asked me questions about what I did as a pastor and in my business as a yoga instructor. It was intriguing because, unlike other times I had been asked about my work in yoga, she was really digging in. She probed me with thought-provoking questions, like "Why do you think you're different than other yoga instructors?" She was even bold enough to ask, "What makes your practice so special?"

Dana Taft Leigh Ramsey Citipointe Modify Book Launch

Time flew by as we chatted for two hours. Leigh told me that she loved what I’d shared about yoga and ministry, and that she could feel my passion and belief. Then, she ended our talk with the most compelling question I had been asked in 2018. "Dana,” she pushed, “how are you going to take this global?" Before thinking, I shot off a simple excuse. "I don't need to take it global. I'm actually quite content where I am.”

Leigh challenged me by saying that my answer sounded a bit selfish. It was limited. If I really believed in what I had to share, if I truly had the passion that I expressed to her for the past two hours, then I needed to figure out how to spread this message around the world. This broadening was not for fame or fortune, but to change lives.

I told her I would have to think about that for a while. It prodded at me, because I knew that in January of that year, I had felt a prompting from the spirit of God that it was time for me to put pen to paper. I knew it was my season to share myself, my passion for yoga, my love of life, and my enthusiasm about the Lord. 

That is precisely what Modify, my new book, sets out to do. I believe with this book, you’ll be challenged to see a real transformation in your life, and you’ll find inspiration both on the mat and off. Modify is more than just my radical story, my practices and meditations, and insight for life. Modify will lead you out of fear and into faith as you embrace a life uniquely made for you.

Dana Taft Citipointe Church Speaker Yoga Book Leigh Ramsey

Modify launches on Thursday, August 1. Click danataft.com/modify to purchase. Also available on these platforms:

Modify Book Dana Taft available on Amazon
Modify Book Available on iTunes
Modify Book Launch Yoga Lifestyle Dana Taft

July 30, 2019

  1. Leigh Ramsey says:

    Well done amazing lady ….. can’t wait to read your book.

  2. Tiffany Bird says:

    Amazing. How inspiring to get to hear the backstory that inspired this book. I’m honored to learn and benefit from your leading in this practice, Dana. Congrats on this book launch and may it impact many!

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Hey! I'm Dana Taft, a generous, energetic, and vivacious lover of God, yoga, and life itself. I adore the daily opportunities I have to bring together my skills as a certified Behavioral Life Coach, a loving pastor, and a long-time yoga instructor in order to help you be your best self.